Sunday, December 03, 2006

Dance with the wind

Winds blowing strong over hills,
singing eternal notes of bliss.
Dancing elegant eucalyptus trees,
slender leaves swaying madly.
Strong evergreen redwoods in ballet,
waving it's sturdy branches gracefully.
Maple trees coloured yellow and red,
their joyous dance a sight to behold.
Bushy shrubs shaking in glee ,
fallen dry leaves racing in circles.
Behold the beauty of nature,
as earth dances with the wind.

Eternal melody of nature,
never abating music of wind.
Resonating from days of yore
when plants ruled earth.
Humans thou find yourself here,
enjoy the dance of nature.
Throw your worries to the wind,
with mind as light as a feather,
Spirit as free as thin air,
true and pure as nature - let not
civilized culture hold you back
Dance O pure spirit,
Dance with the wind.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Worry no more

Chirping birds always happy
they have not sacks of wheat,
not boxes of worms stacked
in fear of dark gloomy days.

Every day with new hope
In search of food do birds go,
worms and wheat await them plenty
No day leaves them hungry.

Every day brings new hope
For those who are armed
With faith and patience
Shall find the way to victory.

Bright days beckon us,
A happy future awaits us.
Worry no more for a
Happy heart attracts success.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Nomadic Life

Family and friends I left far away,
riches and career have their way.
Changes color my life
permanence long lost its shine.

Roomies change when seasons change,
our paths meet to part again.
Little lessons of pain and pleasure,
enlighten those who care to listen.

Busy hours spent at office,
bugs and issues choke my life.
Need of my home and hearth felt,
only when sleep kisses my eyes.

Nomadic life has its own pleasure,
every place reveals a treasure.
Lessons learnt on my way,
precious than all the wealth I make.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


Gone are the days of foreign rule,
heroic deaths on battlefield,
untiring struggles of non-violence.

World awoke to greet free India,
Angel of equality and fairness,
Messiah of peace and unity.

Heroic wars were many fought,
Famine floods ravaged not her spirit,
yet her own sons drained her spirit.

children on streets begging for food,
Women fighting for respect and safety,
freedom long won yet struggles aplenty.

Sons and daugters more than she can bear,
yet no Jhansi rani enforcing women's rights,
yet no Bhagat Singhs to slay the corrupt .

Saturday, June 17, 2006


Yearning for comforts ,
I crossed seas and mountains,
onto far away lands.
Comforts many did I get ,
only to realise no comfort,
can equal the love
of my mother land.
Yearning for her embrace,
hardening my heart,
I continue my life in a strange land.